
Training bio

My main goal is to create long term, sustainable change. I approach this from four separate angles. Fitness • Nutrition • Rehab/Chronic pain • Psychology

Nutrition • Psychology • Fitness

Let’s end the “light switch” or “yo-yo” relationship that most people have with fitness and diet. This is obtained through understanding my clients unique needs, and transferring the knowledge to help create change that will last a lifetime. I can help anyone make changes to create short term success, but if those habits aren’t sustainable, we’ll find ourselves falling off and drifting back into our old ways. This takes a very careful and thought out approach, digging into our habits, and understanding together why you’re struggling. As a team, we have to work together and address underlying road blocks. We’re going to know each other pretty well!

Rehab • Chronic Pain

If the body is regenerative, chronic acute pain shouldn’t exist? Correct? If you get a cut on your hand, it fixes itself, right? So why would we ever need to live in discomfort!?

Most people don’t even realize the level of discomfort they are in because it’s become a way of life. “My back always hurts when I sleep, and the first few hours everyday”. “I can’t do “that” because my shoulder hurts”. “That exercise hurts my knee so I don’t do it”. Now, there are definitely times when something is wrong and surgery is needed. But most commonly, I’m addressing that nagging pain. The pain where the doctor says “stay off of it for two weeks”, or offers a steroid shot that eventually wears off. I promise, most of the time this pain is caused by an underlying issue in the body that is not being addressed. Most of my rehab client will get immediate relief, that will last longer after each session. Until it’s to a maintenance point and you can manage that!

My Background

I’ve been in this industry almost a decade. Starting out as a personal trainer for my college Rec center. That’s where I developed such a passion for changing lives. For the first time I fully understand the impact I was able to make, simply by giving others the tools and knowledge they needed but were never shown.

Previously, I graduated high school and decided that I was going to attend a 2 year Fire Science program. During my senior year I worked fast food (Braum’s🤤) and definitely was gaining weight. I was always a bigger kid, but no longer had athletics to rely on. I started my fat loss journey at 235lbs. I had no idea how to loss fat but I had a decent understanding of fitness. By my second year of college I was down to 195lbs. 3 months after that I hit my low weight of 173lbs.

People started asking me for help, noticing my change. That’s when I transferred colleges and became hungry for knowledge. I wanted to know exactly how everything worked and why! I also found myself very interested in psychology, and could easily connect the dots on the importance of mental health and physical health. So I took every class I could, ending up one class short of a double major.

Now, I’ve been in the Kansas City area for 5 years. I absolutely love watching my clients progress through my programming. It’s fulfilling for me to watch the confidence and quality of life exponentially expand, and seeing my clients realize that they ARE capable!